Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Human Values, through the Music

The most sincere and perfect way to show feelings or values, is the music. But when done in a way to help another showing how much you care is the perfect way to show the human values ​​that we all have inside, and this song is all that.
"...We are the world
     We are the children
     We are the ones who make a brighter day
      So let's start giving

     Choice were making
saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

We all need somebody that we can lean on
When you wake up look around and see that your dreams gone
When the earth quakes we'll help you make it through the storm
When the floor breaks a magic carpet to stand on
We are the World united by love so strong
When the radio isn't on you can hear the songs
A guided light on the dark road your walking on
A sign post to find the dreams you thought was gone
Someone to help you move the obstacles you stumbled on
Someone to help you rebuild after the rubble's gone
We are the World connected by a common bond
Love the whole planet sing it along..."

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Human Values

“Values are disappearing”. “There is a crisis in the area of values”. The younger generations have no values”. These are some of the complaints one hears every day. But what are human values? Human values are ways of behaving, common to all people. They are qualities or feelings that make us different from other animals.

They are specific to the human race. We learn them at home with our family, at school or with the experience of life. Some of the important human values are love, tolerance, generosity, respect, friendship, truth, affection, charity, politeness, loyalty, altruism, honesty, good faith and sincerity.

The new thematic unit "HUMAN VALUES"

In the new thematic unit we saw the different types of human values, and how the society are even more for letting of side...

For this new unit, we work with "MAFALDA" she is a defender of these values, and she hates the soup hahahahaha.

To leave more clear how she defends the values​​, here a comic worked in class:

How go dressed and how not go dressed for a job interview?

 Now, for closing working life, I found a video that shows you how go dressed and how not go dressed for a job interview.
 As we all know, what is most important in a job interview, it's like you dress, the 80% of the option that have on you is about how you dress.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lyrics Traingin


Now, I talk about "Lyrics Training" is an easy and fun method to learn and improve your foreing lenguages skills like English, through the music videos and typing the lyrics of the songs.
  When you play in "Beginner", do you have 10% less than of the words.
  When you play in "Intermediate", do you have 25% less than of the words.

   And, when you play in "Expert", do you have complete all the song. 
   I have an account and is very addictive, at the moment, i have a 6000 points :)

  Try this: